UDC 633.521
Effective technical and technological solutions for flax growing: Monograph / [the author's team: Nalobina O.O., Dumich V.V., Babinets T.L. et al.]. – Doslidnitske, 2021. – 251 p.: il., tabl.
ISBN 978-617-95251-0-0
The monograph reveals technologies for growing and harvesting of oilseed flax and fiber flax in the Western region of Ukraine.
The publication was developed on the basis of the results analysis of long-term research of L.Pohorilyi UkrNDIPVT Lviv branch and dissertation studies and intended for managers and specialists of agricultural enterprises, agro-industrial complex management bodies, scientists, teachers, postgraduates and students of educational institutions of various degrees of accreditation.
Price UAH
edited by V. Kravchuk
UDC 631.3:531.3.001.4
D.Voituk – professor, a corresponding member of the NAAS of Ukraine
G.Baranov – doctor of technical sciences, professor
V.Rublov – doctor of technical sciences, professor
Scientific and testing research of agricultural equipment and technologies: development and difersification (team of authors) / edited by V. Kravchuk; Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine; L.Pohorilyi UkrNDIPVT. – Doslidnitske, 2018. – 240 p.
ISBN 978-617-657-042-4
The scientific publication examines the historical path of the agricultural machinery testing system and the main directions of scientific and testing activities of L.Pohorilyi UkrNDIPVT at the current stage, oriented further development of agricultural machinery, mechanized agricultural technologies and machine use as the basis of the technical modernization of the agricultural sector. The scientific edition is dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the start of machine testing in Ukraine and the 70th anniversary of L.Pohorilyi UkrNDIPVT foundation. The book will be useful for scientific engineering and technical workers in the field of agriculture and agricultural engineering, teachers, graduate students and students of agricultural educational institutions.
Price UAH
UDC 629.3.014.2; 006.91; 658.562.64
L 33
V.I.Vetohin, doctor of technical sciences, professor, a leading researcher of L.Pohorilyi UkrNDIPVT;
I.P.Zaharov, doctor of technical sciences, professor, of the department of metrology and technical expertise, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics;
M.A.Podrigalo, doctor of technical sciences, professor, the head of the department of mechanical engineering and machine repair technology, Kharkiv National Automobile and Road University
Lebedev A.T. Qualimetry and metrological support for tractors testing [Monograph] / A.T.Lebedev, S.A.Lebedev, A.I.Korobko; Edited by A.T.Lebedev. – Kharkiv: Publishing House «Miskdruk», 2018. – 394 p.
ISBN 978-617-619-217-6
The monograph presents the results of the authors' research on the quality of measurement (qualimetry) of functional, ergonomic, ecological indicators of tractors and their metrological support during tractor testing at the L.Pohorilyi UkrNDIPVT Kharkiv branch in the commonwealth with P.Vasylenkо KhNTUSG.
Intended for professionals specializing in the production and testing of tractors, and can also be useful for students, masters, postgraduates of universities studying the specialty «Tractor use in the agricultural sector».
Price UAH
Soil fertility conditions
UDC 631.452 LBC 40.326 B 24
Malienko A.M. Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, professor of Educational and scientific center «Institute of Agriculture of the National Academy of Sciences»
Chernetskyi V.M. Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, professor, Vinnitsa national agrarian university
Barvinchenko V.I. Soil fertility conditions / V.I.Barvinchenko. – Vinnitsa, LLC «Nilan-LTD», 2017. – 200 p.
In the work, based on fundamentally new approaches, a scientific analysis and generalization of research on one of the most important problems of agronomic sciences - the problem of soil fertility conditions - was carried out. This is the first attempt in Ukraine of an extended consideration of the evolution of views regarding "soil fertility", where the role of soil and other conditions of plant crop formation in the agricultural production process is determined on the basis of own research and research of other scientific institutions. A theoretical justification is given for the interrelations of different fertility conditions in the creation of crops by plants and approaches to solving problems such as increasing and reproducing soil fertility conditions are proposed that differ from the generally accepted ones.
The book is intended for specialists in agricultural production, researchers and students of higher agricultural educational institutions.
UDC 631.452
LBC 40.326
Barvincheko V.I.
Price 60 UAH
Kravchuk V.I., Khailis G.A., Kushnariov A.S., Nalobina O.O., Serbiy E.K., Gusar V.G.
Year of publication – 2016
In this textbook, the authors cover the design of agricultural machines, methods of their research and processing of experimental data, taking into account the latest advances in the field of agricultural technology. The given data may be preferable for students of agricultural universities when conducting course projects, diploma projects and master's theses.
The manual is intended for young scientists, graduate students and students of technical and agricultural universities studying in the areas of “Processes, machines and equipment of agricultural production” and “Mechanical engineering”.
Hard cover, offset frame, color illustrations, 328 p., format 70×100 1/16
Price 170 UAH
Fertigation as a measure of irrigated agriculture intensification:
Scientific edition / [Authors' team]; under V.I.Kravchuk’s editorship; L.Pohorilyi UkrNDIPVT. – Doslidnitske, 2016. – 112 p.
UDC 631.587:631.82/85
It is issued by the decision of the Academic Council of L.Pohorilyi UkrNDIPVT (protocol No. 3 dated December 23, 2015.)
M.P.Malyarchuk – Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, senior research associate, Head of the Department of Irrigated Agriculture of the Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of NAAS;
Authors' team: V.V.Sidorenko, A.O.Migaliov, N.M.Neguliaeva, O.P.Mitrofanov, V.M.Maliarchuk, U.V.Misnik, I.L.Makarenko, S.O.Lavrenko, O.A.Osinniy, P.V.Lihovid.
The scientific edition is prepared for the chief agronomists, hydraulic engineers, managers and technical workers, machine operators of agricultural units, students of agricultural educational institutions.
Price 65 UAH
V.Kravchuk, A.Kushnariov, V.Targonia, M.Pavlishin, V.Gusar
Year of publication – 2015
The manual describes the scientific basis of the formation of agro-bioengineering projects in the "Biosphere-agro-technologies-engineering solutions" system as a no alternative solution to the complex of environmental, energy and social problems in modern agricultural production. Projects of adaptive management of plant production using the data from remote sensing of the Earth and elements of precision (controlled) agriculture, the latest technical and technological solutions for various systems of soil cultivation and sowing, biotechnology of growing agricultural crops using endophytic and soil microorganisms, as well as the methodology of monitoring agricultural resources and forecasting the yield of agricultural crops, prospects for the use of domestic biological growth stimulants in crop production and biological protection of plants based on entomological and biological preparations are given in this manual. In addition, the methodology for calculating greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural lands is presented.
Hard cover, offset printing, color illustrations, 240 p., format 240х170
Price 200 UAH
Machine testing – an integral component of the technical modernization of the agro-industrial complex.
M.Prisyaznuk, V.Petrichenko, V.Kravchuk
Year of publication – 2013
The constant development of new designs and modernization of tractors, combines and various machine complexes requires their systematic testing in real conditions, determining the degree of perfection and predicting directions for further development. Therefore, the system of agricultural machinery testing performs an important scientific, technical and state-public function, linking agricultural production and mechanical engineering within the agro-industrial complex from the position of accelerated testing of new machines and equipment, the development of the latest equipment and technologies, and compliance with the requirements of technical regulations, state and industry standards on agricultural machinery and environmental protection, consumer protection.
These important and, in fact, state functions are entrusted today to the State Scientific Institution «L.Pohorilyi Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Forecasting and Testing of Machinery and Technologies for Agricultural Production» (L.Pohorilyi UkrNDIPVT), which unites the main research institute for forecasting and testing of agricultural machinery and technologies and zonal testing organizations (Lviv, South Ukrainian and Kharkiv branches) into a single research and testing institution.
The Institute is the main organization of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine for agricultural machinery testing, conducting scientific and technical examination of technologies for agricultural production, forming scientifically based prerequisites for the implementation of technical policy in the agricultural sector of the Ukrainian economy.
The work is dedicated to the 115th anniversary of the beginning of machine testing in Ukraine and the 65th anniversary of the founding of UkrMVS VMNIVMOT-L.Pohorilyi UkrNDIPVT.
Hard cover, offset printing, color illustrations, 106 p., format 60×84 1/16.
Price 120 UAH
A.M.Lezhenkin, V.I.Kravchuk, A.S.Kushnariov. Year of publishing – 2010
The monograph examines the mechanical and technological properties of grain crops, the systemic principles of using harvesting technologies, and outlines the methodology for developing a stationary technology for harvesting grain crops using stripping standing plants. The use of stripped straw s a source of enriching the soil with humus was justified.
Hard cover, offset printing, color illustrations, 400 p., format 210×148.
Price 100 UAH
Technologies and cost standards for vegetable crops growing
Under P.T.Sabluk, D.I.Mazorenko, G.E.Magnev’s editorship.
Year of publishing – 2010
The book examines the scientific foundations of technologies, technological maps and cost standards for growing vegetable crops under different conditions of resource support for agricultural production. It is recommended for the managers and specialists of agricultural enterprises of various organizational and legal forms, scientists and students of agricultural specialties.
Hard cover, offset printing, black and white illustrations, 340 p., format 210×148.
Price 100 UAH
Aggregation of plows
V.M.Bulgakov, V.I.Kravchuk, V.T.Nadikto. Year of publishing – 2008
The monograph examines the features of aggregating plows with tractors of classic and integral layouts, as well as with modular power tools of variable traction class. Special attention is paid to the aggregation of front-mounted plows as a part of plowing machine-tractor units according to the scheme «push-pull». It is recommended for the specialists, masters, as well as graduate students, engineering and technical workers who are engaged in the design, testing and operation of plows.
Hard cover, offset printing, black and white illustrations, 152 p., format 210×148.
Price 40 UAH
Development of the agricultural machinery testing system in Ukraine
V.I.Kravchuk, S.M.Koval, N.S.Targonya et al. Year pf publishing – 2008.
The edition reflects the history of the beginning and development of agricultural machinery testing in Ukraine, the historical stages of foundation and development of L.Pohorilyi UkrNDIPVT – a leading scientific and experimental establishment of Ukraine – are described, the main results and areas of activity of the testing institute are given. The role of the outstanding scientist-tester, academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences and Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences L.V. Pohorilyi in the creation of the domestic machine testing system is shown.
Hard cover, offset printing, color illustrations, 131 p., format 210×148.
Price 25 UAH
Progressive technologies for procurement, preparation and distribution of feed
V.I.Kravchuk, M.M.Lutsenko, M.P.Mechta. Year of publishing – 2008.
The book examines the problem of creating a strong fodder base for animal husbandry by introducing new progressive energy-, resource-, and labor-saving technologies for the production and procurement of fodder, improving their quality, and increasing productivity. A detailed description of modern models of multifunctional technical means for the implementation of these technologies, recommendations for their application taking into account specific economic conditions are provided.
Hard cover, offset printing, black and white llustrations, 103 p., format 210×148.
Price 25 UAH
Prospective milk production technologies
M.M.Lutsenko, V.V.Ivanishin, V.I.Smolyar. Year of publishing – 2006.
The book is devoted to the problem of the development of dairy farming on a new technological and technical basis. It analyzes in detail the technologies of milk production in Ukraine and in the countries with developed dairy farming, sets out the results of research into volume-planning solutions for livestock premises, proposals for the reconstruction of various types of it, reveals the physiological basis of lactation and machine milking as a complex biotechnical system "man-machine-animal", the main technologies of keeping and milking cows, measures aimed at obtaining high-quality milk are proposed, equipment for controlling the technological process of milk production is recommended.
Hard cover, offset printing, black and white llustrations, 192 p., format 210×148.
Price 25 UAH