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044 290-43-49

Editorial policy of the journal «Techniques and technologies in agriculture»


The journal «Techniques and technologies in agriculture» is a peer-reviewed professional edition that supports the policy of open access to scientific publications.


Program tasks of the journal: providing readers with information about new methods of testing, forecasting and construction of agricultural machinery and equipment, research and forecast of the development of the latest technologies in the agricultural sector, energy saving and alternative energy



Technical policy of agriculture

Results of scientific research on mechanization of agricultural production

Design of agricultural machinery

The latest technologies for the production of agricultural machinery, implementation methods of technological process and main machine parameters

Testing of agricultural machines and forecasting the development of equipment for the agro-industrial complex

Innovative technologies of agricultural production

Research, scientific expertise and implementation of technical means and technologies for the use of renewable energy sources

Forecasting the growth and yield of agricultural crops

Monitoring the development and implementation of technical means and technologies for the use of renewable energy sources

Creation and development of a unified information space in the system of engineering and technical support of the agro-industrial complex

Advanced experience in the mechanization of the main technological processes

Technical service, recovery and repairs

Scientific propaganda and educational activities

Foreign experience



  1. Peer review is a critical assessment of manuscripts. All articles received by the editorial board undergo a review procedure, with the exception of reviews and informational messages. The task of reviewing is to approve the selection of author's manuscripts for publication and make specific recommendations for their improvement. The review procedure is aimed at the most objective assessment of the content of the scientific article, determination of its compliance with the requirements of the editorial policy of the collection, the terms of publication of articles, requirements for their content and design.
  2. Articles submitted to a professional journal «Techniques and technologies in agriculture» undergo internal and external review. Internal review is carried out by members of the journal's editorial board. External review is carried out by experts in technical and agricultural sciences, who may not be members of the editorial board, but have deep professional knowledge and experience in specific scientific areas.
  3. In accordance with the Editorial Policy of the collection, both open and anonymous review procedures are used for both reviewers and authors. The main goal of the review procedure is to eliminate cases of poor quality research practices and to ensure the coordination and balance of the scientific interests of the authors, readers, editorial board, reviewers and the institution where the research was conducted.
  4. The reviewers inform that the articles sent to them are the intellectual property of the authors and are classified as non-disclosure information. Reviewers are not allowed to make copies of the article submitted for review or use knowledge about the content of the article before its publication.
  5. Articles are reviewed on the basis of confidentiality. By submitting a manuscript for review, authors entrust the editors with the results of their scientific work and creative efforts, on which their reputation and career may depend. Information about the article (deadlines for receipt, content, stages and features of reviewing, comments from reviewers and the final decision on publication) is not disclosed to anyone except the authors and reviewers. Violation of this requirement is possible only if there are signs or statements about the unreliability or falsification of the article materials. In any case, the author of the work under review is given the opportunity to familiarize himself with the text of the review, in particular if he does not agree with the reviewer’s conclusions.
  6. With the consent (desire) of the authors and reviewers, reviewers' comments may be published along with the article.
  7. Persons who may have a conflict of interest are not involved in the work of reviewers. The author can inform the names of people whose appointment as reviewers is not desirable due to the possibility of a conflict of interests, explaining his position. The reviewer must also disclose any conflicts of interest that may affect his or her opinion of the manuscript. He has the right to refuse to review a specific article if he considers it justified.

The reviewer is obliged to:

- evaluate the theoretical and methodological level of the article, determine its practical value and scientific significance, establish the compliance of the article with the principles of ethics in scientific publications, provide recommendations for eliminating cases of their violation;

- consider the sent article within the deadline agreed with the responsible secretary and send to the editorial office (by e-mail) a motivated refusal to review or a written review of the manuscript, at the end of which, based on the analysis of the readiness of the material, a conclusion is given about the possibility of publishing the article;

- observe the principle of confidentiality, do not make copies of the article submitted for review or use knowledge about the content of the article before its publication;

- report any conflicts of interest that may influence his opinion on the manuscripts.


The reviewer has the right to:

- refuse to review a specific article if he considers it justified;

- request an extension of the review period, taking into account the existing conditions for the most objective assessment of the quality of the submitted materials;

- request to organize an open interaction with the author and to refuse anonymous review.

Author's rights and responsibilities.

The author is obliged to:

- adhere to the deadlines established for making corrections (revision) of the article based on the results of the reviewers' conclusions.

The author has the right to:

- read the text of the review, in particular if he does not agree with the reviewer’s conclusions;

- provide a reasoned answer to the editorial board of the collection in case of disagreement with the opinion of the reviewer in order to justify the possibility of sending the article to the editorial board for re-review or agreement;

- notify the names of people whose appointment as reviewers is not desirable due to the possibility of a conflict of interests, explaining his position;

-request to organize an open interaction with the reviewer and to refuse to conduct an anonymous review.


The journal published quarterly, in March, June, September and December.



This journal practices a policy of immediate open access to published content, supporting the principles of free dissemination of scientific information and the global exchange of knowledge for societal progress.

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