The total area of arable land – 667.2 ha
including under scientific and research training grounds – 270 ha
«AgroOlymp» – grain crop rotation, five main grain crops of the Forest Steppe, four tillage systems, twenty elementary experimental plots with an area of 7.5 hectares each, designed for the use of serial tillage and other agricultural machinery
«Agroperspectiva» – grain-row crop rotation, six main crops, 2-3 varieties of each crop, 18 elementary plots with an area of 6.5-7 hectares, total - 80 hectares
«Biotechnology» – grain-row crop rotation, five main grain crops of the Forest Steppe, application of four options of sideral fertilizers, biodestructor of the core and biopreparations of plant protection, 20 elementary experimental plots with an area of 1.6 hectares each, a total of 32 hectares
«Bioenergy conveyor» – two types of miscanthus, three planting schemes, 6 experimental plots with an area of 0.9 ha each; energy willow, two planting schemes, three experimental plots of 0.5 ha each; total - 8 hectares
All-Ukrainian field days, regional and district seminars on preparation for the complex of harvesting and autumn sowing work, tests and demonstrations of new models of domestic and foreign equipment are held on the basis of training grounds. Research results are annually presented at international and state exhibitions, published in scientific and other sources.