What you need to know about the test
Testing is an experimental determination of the quality of agricultural machinery as a set of properties that determine its suitability to meet certain needs according to its intended purpose.
L.Pohorilyi UkrNDIPVT offers a professional assessment of agricultural machinery based on the results of tests and is the main scientific institution for scientific and technical expertise and tests of machinery and technology complexes for the production, processing and storage of agricultural products (Order of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and Agriculture No. 276 dated 24.06.2005).
L.Pohorilyi UkrNDIPVT is accredited as an Agricultural Equipment Testing Center (certificate of National Accreditation Agency of Ukraine № 2Н344 dated September 1, 2011).
L.Pohorilyi UkrNDIPVT reliable tests will allow you to:
- shorten the terms and reduce costs for the development and production of quality products;
- determine the actual values of consumer characteristics of products in real operating conditions and to form reliable accompanying regulatory and technical documentation;
- legalize serial production and delivery of machines to the market in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of Ukraine, the CIS countries, and partially the European Union;
- carry out operational quality control of serial products;
- get objective information for organizing advertising of your equipment.
2. Innovative provision of agricultural engineering products
4. Application forms for testing
Протоколи випробувань:
Soil tillage unit "ZEVS-6". Fuel consumption
Агрегат грунтообробний ЗЕВС-6 Якість роботи
Борона дискова важка БУРАН-4,4 Витрати палива
Борона дискова ПАЛЛАДА 3200-01 Якість роботи та витрати палива